Author Archive for: sandra
About sandra
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But we are proud to say that sandra contributed 4 entries already.
Entries by sandra
MentorTrain Pre Kick-Off (Virtual) Meeting
/0 Comments/in Consortium Meetings/by sandraThe MentorTrain Project official face-to-face Kick-Off Meeting will only happen by the end of November, but the Consortium used digital technology to get busy meanwhile. Using Zoom, the partners met online on this day to introduce themselves, align their visions, review in detail each intellectual output and strategize on issues such as internal and external […]
Training and Equipping Mentors in SMEs to provide Quality Apprenticeships – MENTORTRAIN
Project Ref: 2018-1-CZ01-KA202-048170
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.