Get feedback to ensure the quality of the learning process and give support according to detected needs



To learn from past experience and make further improvements in the future, it is important to undertake an overall evaluation of the apprenticeship at the end of it, both from the perspective of the learner-apprentice but also from the perspective of the mentor, the host company and the sending educational institution. This video further  explains the feedback  mechanisms the mentor can use to learn how the learner has experienced the apprenticeship period and how the Mentor and Supervisor within the education institution can work together in the process of continuous improvement.


This video addresses the importance of generating feedback to ensure and improve the quality of apprenticeships:

Mentortrain video 5.3  (duration: 2:45)


  • Check with your sending educational institution contact/apprentice supervisor what forms and methods are used for capturing feedback from the apprentice about their experience in your company.
  • Discuss with the sending educational institution contact/apprentice supervisor how feedback is collected from you as a Mentor during and after the apprenticeship.

Additional Resources

If you want to read more about the characteristics of what makes a company a good quality employer of apprentices, the following report may be of interest: