Participate in the selection of apprentices (if required)



In this section we look into the requirements for the mentorship, specifically about participation in the selection of apprentices.

Whilst not always the most reliable, interviews remain the most widely used assessment and selection tool. The key to making interviews a success for you is by asking the right questions, keeping the process consistent for all applicants and remaining impartial throughout the process.

Throughout the interview, the evaluation of the candidate can be done by making a test, based on a checklist of qualifying factors and technical skills required for the placement. This test can be designed and carried out by the company.


This video explains the process of selecting an apprentice for your company:

Mentortrain video 1.4  (duration: 1:58)


  • Write a checklist with the different items to have in mind when selecting apprentices.
  • Prepare your own plan for selection apprentices.

Additional Resources